Our company has its origins in 1915, and through four generations it has had the privilege of managing the imports and exports of prestigious clients.

We are a company with consistent values, responsibility, quality, integrity, leadership and excellence, we take care of the interests of our clients by monitoring compliance with legal regulations, and, consequently, we take care of our patents as collateral of our actions, since we are jointly responsible of any tax omission or fine for not complying with any legal order.


Provide innovative operational models that are strategic for our clients' processes, taking them as their own.


To be leaders in the Customs and Logistics field, with highly trained and committed personnel, making use of technology and innovative systems, which through a process of continuous improvement allow us to achieve excellence and thus be able to meet the expectations of our clients.

Quality politics

En CODEX, buscamos ser una propuesta de valor a nuestros clientes brindando de una solución integral en Comercio Exterior y Logística, en base a nuestro personal competente, valores y la mejora continua de nuestro Sistema de Gestión de Calidad.

Security Policy

La empresa se compromete a mantener y mejorar un Sistema de Gestión y Control y Seguridad en la cadena de suministros, con el objetivo de prevenir, asegurar y reconocer amenazas, como son el contrabando, lavado de dinero, tráfico de armas, personas, mercancías prohibidas, actos de terrorismo, así como el intercambio de información en los procedimientos correspondientes.

En CODEX hemos establecido procedimientos orientados a cumplir con los más altos estándares de seguridad, con la finalidad de evitar que nuestras actividades, clientes y personal se vean afectados por la contaminación de mercancías ilícitas, tráfico de armas y personas, contrabando, lavado de dinero, mercancías prohibidas o terrorismo.